Monday, August 6, 2007

Summary of 23 things

23 Things was a very successful program, both for me personally and for our library system. Personally, running through the 23 things enabled me to really spend some guilt-free time learning about things like avatars, tagging, social bookmarking, etc. Otherwise, I may have learned and used these things eventually, but they would have been given a much lower priority in terms of workload and been put on the back burner a lot.

Benefits to our staff and patrons? Now when patrons come to the desk wanting help with Flickr, Technorati, Zoho, or, we will have been exposed to each of them and will have some means to continue the conversation and make a connection with our patrons. I hope that those innovators among us will take these lessons learned and apply them to what we do here at the library now and examine the potential for these tools in providing additional services.